Fast delivery of electronic components to meet your production needs.
Continuous supply
By collaborating with Heqing, you will leverage our experience, analytical platform, and global business to meet your component needs. We have plans for surplus and shortage, providing flexibility, control, and transparency here, and driving maximum value recovery - while helping you expand according to your needs.
Global distribution network
Whether it's eliminating production risks or supporting future innovation, your supply chain should not hinder you. Heqing possesses the necessary market insight and influence to quickly alleviate the shortage of electronic components.
End to end supply chain solution
For Heqing, the "comprehensive service" associated distribution means that we can not only find difficult to find parts, but also physically transfer them from suppliers to buyers, or keep them in inventory until the appropriate time for distribution. This includes excess inventory management - the last link in the supply chain.
Solutions to common inventory challenges
In today's fast-paced and fiercely competitive world, the challenge of inventory surplus comes from daily business challenges - slow inventory movement, unexpected design changes, cancellation of construction, data center retirement, customer returns, or demand/technology shifts. Heqing helps you effectively solve these problems to keep your supply chain running smoothly.